Cancer Awareness Day 2016

WeCan ICan

Want to get involved in WorldCancerDay? Join the TalkingHands campaign & spread supportive WeCanICan messages! Click WorldCancerDay get involved for information.

Hospice cancer patients make 17% of the total patients Hospice care and support.

Hospice Patient Diagnosis

Hospice provides a special type of care in which medical, psychological, and spiritual support are provided to patients and their loved ones when cancer treatments are no longer controlling the disease.

According to Globocan 2012 stats, cancer rates are on the increase. The most commonly diagnosed cancers worldwide were lung (1.8million, 13.0% of the total), breast (1.7 million, 11.9%) and colorectum (1.4million, 9.7%); the most common cancer-related deaths were from lung (1.6 million, 19.4% of the total), liver (0.8million, 9.1%), and stomach (0.7 million, 8.8%) malignancies.

Globally it is found that cancer-related incidences are 25% higher in men than in women (205 per 100, 000 for men and 165 per 100, 000 for women).

24.6 million people are presently living with cancer more than half living in developing countries. Cancer represents a tremendous burden on patients, families, and societies. It is one of the leading causes of death in the world and is still increasing, particularly in developing countries.

Click the link to the Globocan 2012 stats.

To show our support we are having a HANDS UP FOR HEALTH WALK on Friday 19 February, Knysna Marathon club, starting at 09.30am.

Poster_Hands up for Health