
Listed below are members of the Greater Knysna Community Health Care Forum with whom KSH have Memorandum of Agreement and who have all signed on to the Forum’s strategy:

Organisation Nature of relationship Where are They Based? Describe the nature of their work
Alzheimer’s Association SA Forum + Mutual Referral Knysna Counselling, care, education, and screening, of Alzheimer’s Patients
CANSA Association Forum + Mutual Referral George / Knysna Counselling, Education, Prosthetics, and Care of Cancer patients
Child Welfare Forum + Mutual Referral Knysna Counselling, Care and placement of Children / orphans
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) - Metro Forum Knysna Transporting of patients
FAMSA (Family and Marriage Association of South Africa) Forum + Mutual Referral Knysna Family, Marriage and trauma counselling and support
Dept of Health - HAST Co-ordinator
Community-Based Care Coordinator
M-SAT (Multi-Sectorial Action Team) Coordinator
Forum Knysna VCT Counsellors and adherence support
Home Based Care
CBR Project Community based response
Mad About Art M-SAT Knysna Youth Programmes, Education, Counselling adherence support to youth
Knysna Assoc Physically Disabled Forum Knysna Care of disabled people and skills development
BADISA Family Care - Loeriehof Old Age, Home / Knysna caring services Forum + Referrals + Training +Clinical Support Knysna Care of elderly and residence, family Support, Community Support, statutory child protection
HERO Forum + Referrals Knysna Care of Chidren, play and trauma therapy
Masithandane Forum + Training Sedgefield Chronic Care, Community Care, Self-Empowerment programmes, Education and Counselling
Red Cross Forum Knysna First Aid Education, Private Home Nursing services
That's It Forum Knysna TB Adherence Support, Counselling, and Treatment support, Assisting DOH
Vermont Centre Forum + Referrals + Training Knysna KSH in-patient unit and care of elderly, In-House care for Disabled people
Epilepsy South Africa Forum + Referrals Knysna In Patient Care of people with Epilepsy, Work programmes
Edge of Africa Forum Knysna Volunteer organisation involved in numerous community upliftment programmes
Knysna Education Trust Forum Knysna Early Childhood development
Dept of Social Development Forum George Social Services
Correctional Services Forum Knysna Counselling, education
Dorothy Broster Children’s Home Forum Knysna Placements, providing care for Orphan Vulnerable Children
KADAC (Knysna Alcohol & Drug Abuse Centre) Forum Knysna KADAC (Knysna Alcohol & Drug Abuse Centre)
E Pap Forum Knysna Distributors of Epap to schools
NACOSA Forum Cape Town Training and M-SAT support
Hunters Village Referrals + Training Knysna Care of elderly and residence

National and International

Listed below are other organisations with whom KSH network regularly
Organisation Nature of relationship Where are They Based? Describe the nature of their work
The Association of Palliative Care Centres (APCC) Member Cape Town Support and development of Hospices
DeKalb County Hospice Twin Hospice– mutual support, sharing of palliative care learning material and experiences, fundraising events Illnois, USA Hospice providing palliative home based care
Foundation for Hospices in Sub Saharan Africa (FHSSA) Member Alexandria, USA Support and development of Hospices


Organisation Nature of relationship Where are They Based? Describe the nature of their work
Knysna Provincial Hospital Mutual referrals, pharmacy, palliative care training Knysna Hospital
Primary Health Care Referrals, support, palliative care mentoring Greater Knysna Municipality Primary Health Care clinics
South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) Assistance with fast-tracking social grants and pensions George Social Welfare grants, Disability, foster care grants, old age pension etc.
Dept. Home Affairs Assistance with important documentation George Identity documents, birth certificates, marriage certificates
Sinethemba Youth Referral of orphan vulnerable children Knysna OVC support and child care
Faith based organisations, eg Options, Youth for Christ & churches Spiritual support, food parcels, clothing, bedding Knysna Spiritual care, and support of teenage pregnancies
South African Police Services Referral of community issues Knysna Police Station, Commissioner of Oaths
Bitou Health and Welfare forum Partner Plettenberg Bay Coordinate Health and Welfare activities in Bitou
PlettAid Foundation Mentored by KSH Plettenberg Bay Palliative Care
@Peace Mentored by KSH Plettenberg Bay Palliative Care
Ithemba Lebomi Mentored by KSH George Palliative Care